The Republican Party

Today’s Republican Party is not the party of Lincoln and any connection to the radical republican party of the 1860’s is just a out right lie. This party is a right wing collection of simple minded religious bigots, racist, segregationist, revisionist and homophobic chauvinist. The creation of this rendition of the party couldn’t be clearer and it’s demise any more predictable.Gov. Romney and Gov.Rockefeller warned against the dangers of Barry Goldwater’s angry rants and extremist views.  The Republican party that had been the party of progressives, of Blacks since 1865, and of White women since suffrage, now begins it great decent into the darkness.

[features title=”Lincoln’s Party” icon=”” url=””]Whig & Republican[/features][features title=”Progressive” icon=”” url=””]Once a progressive party  [/features][features title=”Goldwater” icon=”” url=””]Father of today’s Party [/features]

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