As a kid I somehow got into a conversation with my mother about being in the lower class or middle class. Before I could finish my statement she let me know that, in general were poor, and in particular I was broke!!!
The most important thing that came out of that conversation was an explanation of the American class system that was explained to her by her dad. I never forgot that and have my life with better understanding of class and race distinction and motivation.
It's something like this, top down.
UPPER CLASS: People who have and have had an abundance of wealth generationally for very long periods of time.Whose wealth has been translated into extreme power and influence over people, politics and culture. Their wealth and power usually extending beyond national, religious and ethnic borders. Almost always unaffected by geo political and social events and whose identities are rarely known or even cared about by the common citizenry.
MIDDLE CLASS: People who are extremely wealthy but have considerably less wealth than the Upper Class person. Possibly generationally but not necessarily so. Whose wealth allows some relative influence over people, politics and culture. Their wealth and power usually rarely extends beyond national, religious and ethnic borders. Almost always affected by geo political and social events and whose identities are almost always known by the common citizenry.
LOWER CLASS: This is the class my mother thought was the most important for a broke ass guy like me. And here's why. This is the class that she thought was the most diverse and accessible for most Americans, and the class most misunderstood. The people that populate this class of Americans come from everywhere. They are the second or third generation of the Middle Class population, who by circumstance, behavior or both, find themselves with much less than their parents and whose wealth as they had come to know it will not be handed down to their children and more likely will not exist be their passing. This is also the class populated by the working wealthy which I'll explore in greater detail in the next section. These people are what poor folks call "rich". Their wealth and any associated power is not in any meaningful way, generational.They are not overwhelmed by the ordinary needs or desires of the working class,Their wealth may allow them some very limited influence over people, politics and culture. Their wealth and power is usually regional. Almost always directly connected to geo political and social events and whose identities are commonly known to the citizenry.