The problem that the "Me Too" movement faces, especially in this time of selective righteous indignation, is clarity. The assumptions that are being made about all women and all men is just flat out wrong. The men and women that are going along with this rush to judgment are making a major mistake. 

Progressives especially have to be careful about the willingness to mob up. To forget that one of the hallmarks of liberalism, is justice, is too high a price to pay. Democratic progressives in particular  have a responsibility to safe guard this principle. Senator Al Franken was a prime example of the trading of principle for the sake of political expediency. No one should fear being accused of blaming the victim because you they choose to search for truth. Senator Franken had every right to face his accusers and to have both sides explored for facts. The accused and the accuser should always be given the choice of being held subject to the riggers of public examination or silence. But neither the accuser or the accused should be assumed truthful or credible on their face.

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