This guy has for many years proven to be nothing more than a con man and a cheap shot artist. Why would any thoughtful person, let alone a major political party get behind him in his bid to become the most powerful individual in the world?
With the ascendancy of Donald Trump the Confederate stars have finally aligned. Social and political apathy, ignorance, journalistic laziness and White anger have come together to create the perfect scenario for the lost causers. They always said that they would be back. Now they are back with a vengeance.
From this country’s beginnings class and race have been at the center of who and what we are as Americans. From anti-federalism and succession to Jim Crow, civil rights and integration, one segment of the American population has been steadfast in its opposition to the full and complete integration of all people as citizens of the United States.
American conservatism is rooted in the romantic desire of returning to a white aristocratic populace and hierarchy with white men as kings and all others as property and servants. Which clearly includes white women and their children, White commoners and people of color.
This love affair with the original founders and their notion that white men and white men only are inherently superior and endowed by God with the rights of freedom, Liberty, property ownership and the pursuit of happiness, have interfere with this country’s social growth for almost 250 years.
With the Articles of Confederation the founders were clear about who would be en- franchise as Americans. With succession in 1861 the Confederate loyalists were clear about who would not be enfranchised. Reconstruction returned the south back to it’s dedication to the original premise. Anti-suffrage and Jim Crow spread and institutionalize these ideologies nationwide.
Suffrage, the civil, woman’s and children’s rights movements have put kinks in the armor, but has failed to slay the dragon of hate and supremacy. The hate movement in America has risen systematically an exponentially since the Goldwater phenomenon of 1964.
Americans need to recognize that so called fiscal conservatism, is simply a front for social reconstruction. We need to be more effective in our defense of the will of the Constitution, not the intentions of the anti-Federalist founders.
Help keep America safe from the return to the dark ages. VOTE! Freedom and liberty for all Americans depends on it.